Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This last weekend was a mini family reunion of sorts. My uncle turned 60 and his son, daughter and wife put on a surprise 60th birthday party. I had an aunt fly in from Virgina, an aunt and uncle from Colorado, an aunt from Arizona and a cousin from Virginia as well as misc. family from around here. My aunt from Virginia stayed with my mom and it was especially great to see her and hear how my cousins are doing. I know my mother had a wonderful time with her sister. It was great to see the two of them together.

However, here we are a few days later and I am sure that I have worn myself out. As we were getting the girls in their pjs and ready to leave the party I realized that there was something on my nose that we really hurting. I thought perhaps a zit but it didn't look like a zit. I figured that hopefully with some rest and relaxation it would go away. I don't know why it is I thought I was going to get any rest or relaxation. Our Sunday started with my mom and aunt coming over to see our garpartment, then a mad trip to Costco, Walmart, and Central for groceries and the like. Then home to unload the semi-truck load of supplies I had purchsed and make an orzo salad to take to my mom's house for a bbq that we were going to with my mom's family. Then at about 1:30 my mom calls wondering when we were coming over telling us that it looked like we were going to be eating a little earlier than planned. So our gradual get everyone in the car turned into a mad rush to grab everything we needed and run out the door.

The time at my parents' house was great and the food was awesome. Then 5pm rolls around and it is back to the house where we got the girls in the tub and spent the next 3 hours putting in our book shelf in our bedroom. It looks magnificent I might add. I love it love it love it. Don't think we left the girls in the tub for 3 hours. Although I am sure they would not have thought that a bad idea, we did take them out, get them in their jammies and let them watch a movie. We were very happy when Ellie picked Sandlot instead of Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins has been the movie of the month and I think if I hear the song "Let's Go Fly A Kite" one more time I might get sick.

After the movie we got the girls to bed and you would think that it being late we ourselves would go to bed but no. I was way too excited about my bookshelves and proceeded to go through all the books on my desk as well as the three boxes of books in the storage space in our living room. Then at 11:30 strolled in to bed to finish reading the last few pages in the Oprah magazine my mom let me have. Midnight came and I finally turned the light off for the night.

Last night was another of the same - three boxes of books that I got from the Fechters when they moved. After going through them all I decided on keeping only one box worth and am going to donate the other boxes. Got to bed last night though around 10:15 and read for some time in the newest book I am reading.

I wake up this morning and my jaw feels like I ran into a wall with the side of my face and did I mention that my nose is still sore and red. I am a mess. I am making a pact with myself that I am going to be early tonight and getting the rest I need so that the rest of me doesn't fall apart.


Kerrie said...

Man you just need some rest! No offense, but I thikn you might fall apart if you were out here with me! Late nights and early mornings are my life, and that doesn't imclude too much relxing time. But I think you could suvive a weekend with me, so spring sem you must come out!! I know you'll try to, but just saying.

Unknown said...

"Girl...this is your body telling you to RELAX!" :) I don't know how you do it Jess! lol