Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Kitties

I think I was on something. That is the story I am sticking to. I could go with "I was drugged by their cuteness" because that would work also. Either way nothing could have prepared me for the cat poop massacre that I just had to deal with.

I suppose my first mistake was trying this new crystal cat litter. It is HORRIBLE. It doesn't clump and it doesn't stick to poop. And as far as I am concerned that is a definite necessity.

Picture this . . . Robb walks in the bathroom while the girls are in the shower and asks them if they pooped in the shower it smells so bad. I tell him it was probably his cat (Bert has already had a few that could peel paint.) and he says "Wow! Some cat." He then proceeds to go about doing whatever it was that he was doing before he smelled the atrocity. I then go into the bathroom and it still smells horrible. I ask him if he cleaned the box and he says "No."

No? Why the heck not? I tell him he either needs to clean the box or finish making the bed with the fresh sheets I just washed. He of course chooses the bed. I head to the bathroom and get in there just in time to witness Bert trying to cover up his poop with the horrible crystal cat litter and it isn't working and the poop is getting thrown all over the toilet and the walls. I go in really quick like and scoop him out of the box while trying to not get any poop on me. I then notice these little poopy paw prints heading out of the bathroom. I realize that those have to be Lonni's since I am holding Bert. I yell to Robb to grab her and sure enough Lonni's paws are covered in poop. I check Bert's and his are also. I hand the two cats to Robb and tell him "You get the poopy paws if I have to clean the poopy walls and floor."

So that is how I spent my Saturday evening. I cleaned cat poop off the toilet and the walls in our bathroom. I wonder what the week has in store for me. I can't wait. Maybe after I get over this little poop incident I will post some pictures of the little trouble makers.

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