Sunday, November 23, 2008

Spruce Railroad Trail at Lake Crescent

They haven't happened as much as we would have liked. Time always seems to get away on us. That said . . . we finally got out into the woods again. This time we decided to head up to the Spruce Railroad Trail. We haven't been up to this trail since I was in high school and we were very excited to take our girls up there.

From the begining of the hike for the 3 hours that followed the girls were sure to remind us on a regular basis that it was very cold out and they would be much better off if we carried them. We assured them they would survive and proceeded down the trail. It was very cold and the snow level was down.

It was great to get out in nature. The girls were great to watch as they ran down the trail and chased after Robb as he tried to get blood flowing to keep warm. I definitely encourage anyone who enjoys the outdoors to go out to this trail. And, if you have little ones that need to burn some energy, this works great at tiring out little ones. Olyvia and Ellie passed out on the ride home and slept through until the next morning.


Anonymous said...

You got some fabulous shots!!! Looks like you all had a great time...even if it was cold. :-D You know that the girls are SUPPOSED to tell you every 2 minutes just so you don't forget! It's in the handbook!! ;-)

Marjorie and Andrew said...

WOW! I found your blog from your facebook. Your daughters are soooo beautiful and you look just as good as you did in high school!