I should start off this post by explaining that we have attempted to take Olyvia to the dentist twice in her life. Once when she was 3 years old and again about 6 months later. Both resulted in equally unpleasant experiences where we left with her over my shoulder screaming that she didn't want to be there. This said, you can imagine that the though of taking both her and Ellie to the dentist on the same day at the same time seemed a little daunting. All worries aside, I was ready for the challenge.
The first obstacle was getting Ellie from school, Olyvia picked up, both of them home, fed lunch and then turned around and back to town for our appt at 1:30pm. I was able to pull it off, arriving at the dentist office at 1:20pm. Who knew I had such skill. :)
Upon arriving at the dental office I noticed a note on the counter. They were out of the office until 1:30. Interesting. So I quickly steer the girls to the table with small chairs and toys so that they can play quietly while we wait. I pick up a magazine and being reading. I believe it was something on traveling. As we are sitting there an older woman comes in and has a seat next to me and at two different times comments on the girls beautiful hair and how well behaved they are being. I am just praying their behavior continues throughout the remainder of the visit. Then a younger woman comes in and has a seat. By this time it is 1:30 and the receptionist steps out and hands me a clipboard piled with papers that need filled out with Ellie's information. I quickly work my way through them and turn them back in hoping that the sooner they have them the sooner we can go back.
As I am sitting there attempting to quickly fill out the paperwork the girls begin bickering and grabbing toys from each other. I try to remain calm asking them to please stop fighting over the toys, there are plenty to share. The fighting continues until just as I look over a full cup of water is knocked to the ground spilling all over. I can feel the heat rising to the surface of my skin. I calmly but ever so quickly walk over to the table and sternly explain that they are not to have any more water and that they need to go and sit in the chairs, one on either side of me. I clean up the mess, put the toys away and have a seat, reading through my magazine and praying for the dental hygienist to come in and call our names.
A dental hygienist steps around the corner, it is now 1:35pm and I am hopeful, but no, she calls one of the other ladies. I don't think they realize that the longer they wait the harder this could be. It isn't until 10 minutes later and after both of the other ladies are already back there that a nice young woman comes to get the girls. Olyvia gets to go first and she seems pretty excited about this fact.
We head back. Xrays are taken. It only took 3-5 tries per side, but later we were glad she cooperated and let the hygienist keep trying. The teeth are cleaned, using cookie dough flavoured teeth paste, yuck, and after she gets flossed it is Ellie's turn. Ellie's teeth are so little that in the time it takes me to get Olyvia to the bathroom and back her turn is done. The dentist comes over, checks them both out and there is good and bad news. Ellie is in the clear. No cavities. Olyvia however, has two cavities. Her teeth looked good he said but her flossing on her back molars is going to need a little work since her teeth are so close together. She seemed in rather good spirits though and is even excited about going back and getting them fixed up.
All together the trip to the dentist went rather well. I think the toughest part was the anticipation of how the cleaning would go and the waiting in the lobby for our turn. Patience is not a top priority with 3 and 5 year olds. :)
1 comment:
I'm glad you survived the experience! Too bad Olyvia has cavaties. I still hate the toothpaste they use at the dentist!
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