You might ask, where does this story take me? This year we spent Christmas evening at Robb's mother's house with his mom, grandparents, aunt, cousin, dad and his dad's wife. His dad and Dee were invited last minute when they had to cancel coming to Poulsbo at the last minute because of the snow. Robb thought it would be a great idea to bring some pickled herring with us and I agreed. Little did I know that later in the evening some might actually touch the inside of my mouth. If I had known, I never would have agreed.
Long story short, later in the evening Lindsey, Robb's cousin, was being coerced into trying some. In a last chance to get free from it she exclaimed, "If Jessica does it, I will." She figured she was pretty safe since the chance of me doing it was right up there with the possibility of the moon falling out of the sky. We all watched as her mother tried it.
Now Robb couldn't be shown up by his aunt so he ate one.
A little less harsh of a reaction almost made me wonder if he actually liked it. Thankfully, he assured me he did not.
His grandfather was very proud and was still trying to convince Lindsey to partake. She was still holding strong to her statement that if I did it she would, but they were still trying to convince her to do it.
I just couldn't take it anymore and said "Lindsey, you just can't think about it, you have to do it" and I stabbed a piece with a toothpick and popped it into my mouth, swallowing it whole. There was definitely not going to be any chewing. Now she was stuck. There was no option but eating a piece now that I had. and so she did only she chewed it. Brave girl!
I am thoroughly offended!! :o) (j/k!) although I do really love pickled herring (and have since I was eating it in my high chair!)...
There are rules and processes to enjoying pickled herring.
#1. it must be VERY VERY fresh. (meaning pretty much only the day you open the jar, which is why it is smart to only buy little jars!).
#2. it must be Herring in Wine Sauce w/ onions. #3. it must be eaten on wheat thins (preferably 2 crackers sandwiched with a piece of herring in between!)
Yummmmmmm.... now I want to go buy some herring!! :o) (and buy the way, I also enjoy lutefisk, which even Navy tried some and liked it this year!)
I have to say that I am under the belief that pickled herring and lutefisk are acquired tastes.
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