I had stopped in Starbucks a couple days before Christmas to grab a gift certificate for someone and while waiting in line was caught by a book sitting on the shelf. For those of you who have frequented Starbucks, you know that they often have books on their shelves that they are promoting. This book for some reason grabbed my attention. Possibly it was the simple cover of grays and whites or maybe it was the little child carrying such a large suitcase. Either way, I picked it up, flipped open to the cover flap and read what it was about. Upond reading this short paragraph I knew this book was for me. A simple fable about a little boy's search for the best way to use his time.
This is something I have been doing a lot lately. I have been wondering how to best use my time or how to best spend it. Not wanting to waste time on the stuff that isn't as important and to make sure I am giving plenty of time to the things that are. So I set the book on the counter and decided I would take it home and read it; I would see what this fable could teach me or what light it could bring to my quest.
After bringing it home it sat on my coffee stand for almost a week before I finally picked it up. The book took me only about 15 minutes to read, but the message it tells is clear. I encourage you all to pick up this book and read what it has to tell you. Put yourself in the fable and see what it tells you about your time.
For me I learned that I need to cherish every minute with my family. My girls are growing and growing and I will never get these minutes back. I have to not take time for granted, but enjoy each second. I look forward to putting to practice the vision this book has shown me as we embarq upon a new year.
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