A normal day at the beach, right? With my girls, not quite. We went down to the beach in Indianola this last May with Olyvia's class from school. It was a cooler day but the tide was way out so we were able to hike way out on the beach looking at crabs and bull heads and the like. It was a great time. As we were getting ready I knew that this was an event full of photo opportunities and I didn't want to miss out on any of them. I told the girls that I wanted to get a couple pictures before we headed down to the beach. I wanted some of them all ready - you know, the before pictures. I gathered the two of them next to each other, put my camera up to my eye and said "ok, pose for me girls. Smile big." The above picture is what I got. It screams cover of Vogue magazine - main article "Difficulties of Couture Modeling" subtitle "Kids show us how to get it done."
Since Olyvia was very small, I have every year sent their pictures in to different agents in the area to try and get them modeling jobs. They have each been called in once to different ones but have not landed any jobs. I think there are clients everywhere missing out on some great pictures . . . like the ones below.

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