In two weeks I am turning 30. I have been thinking about it a lot lately trying to determine if I feel different about this birthday than I have about others. I don't really. I have started to evaluate where my life is at and if I am happy with it. I think I am. I suppose if I really evaluated my life I would have a bunch of shoulda coulda wouldas, but what is the point? I have a wonderful husband who loves me. We have a place to live. We have two beautiful daughters. These are all amazing things. I am definitely not doing what I thought I would be doing. My career path took a hike years ago, but I think when I veered off to the left, so many more paths opened up for me.
Over the last years God has opened up a door to me getting me involved in youth ministry (some of the happiest and most difficult times of my life). During this time I have started to discover some of my gifts. I look forward to the continued ability to share these gifts with others and explore what they will mean for my family and me. The future possibilities of traveling and mission work are in my future. How, I am not sure yet, but I know they are there. I look forward to sharing this love of helping others with my girls so that they may grow up wanting to share the gifts they have been blessed with.
My photography outlet is growing as I have finally decided to make the change to digital. I have been saving up to buy my digital camera and am excited to get started using it. Over the years I have realized that I love to take pictures of nature and of life. I especially love to capture people experiencing their life. I look forward to seeing where this outlet will take me.
At 30 I am very blessed to have a group of girlfriends who I have known for more than half my life. We don't see each other all the time, but we are there for each other through whatever life throws our way; I couldn't have asked for better friends to be a part of my life.
What questions am I supposed to ask as I turn 30? Am I where I thought I would be? No, I am not. Does that upset me or depress me or in any way make me want to go back and start over? NO WAY! Am I excited for the future? Definitely. God has done amazing things in my life. He has given me an amazing family, fabulous friends and I so look forward to continuing to see all my relationships grow; I am excited to continue on this ladder of my life taking the time to enjoy each and every rung.
Thank you to my family, my friends, and even those who would call themselves my enemies. Each and every one of you play a roll in who I am as a woman and for that I am very greatful.
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