Yesterday was a lovely day, other then the freezing cold temperatures in the morning and the fog we seemed to have hanging around our property. Come 10:30am it was quite beautiful as we headed off to do some grocery shopping with the girls.
I had put a list together, of course not including everything that I would need. I never seem to remember everything. I continually tell myself that I need to keep an ongoing list in the kitchen so that as we run out of things that we need, we can add them to the list. We actually did do this for awhile and it worked great. Why we are not still doing this I have no idea. One of those questions to add to the list of imponderables that I have growing in the back of my mind.
Going through the grocery store with the girls is quite the adventure. Between the "can I have this" and the "please can we get some of this" I usually pull my hair out before we leave the produce section. Another oddity. Why do we start in the produce section. This is something we have always done. We come in the grocery store and get produce. This worked nice because it is the first section we come to when we come in the store. The difficulty with this was that throughout the remainder of the store the girls were throwing stuff into the cart so that by the time we got home we didn't have peaches but rather peach jam and I won't even go into what our bananas and grapes looked like or our tomatoes and avocados. But what can you do? Well, we have found a solution to this problem that works quite well. Central Market ( has these great small carts that the girls can push. We get two, one for each of them and then proceed through the store letting them help us put stuff into them. This cuts down on a lot; no fighting over pushing the cart and each cart has two baskets, so no squashed produce. It really is a win win.
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