Thursday, March 29, 2012

an afternoon walk

When it comes to exercise on a regular basis, my schedule looks a lot like a roller coaster ride.  I go through periods of time when I am good at making the time followed by periods of time when I have no desire to make the time.  Winter is the hardest for sure.  Wet and cold weather, dark early, I just want to come home read a book and cuddle by a nice and toasty wood fire. 

I should probably give a little bit of background.  I love the outdoors.  I love water skiing, snow skiing, hiking, going on walks, heck I have even completed a half marathon when I set my mind to it.  I have always enjoyed getting exercise more so when it is masked by some kind of activity.  I am not the type of person to look forward to going out and jumping on the elyptical and going to town.  In fact, I am easily persuaded to do something else.

So, over the years I have had to find a way to solve this problem. Regular exercise is super important.  I have been trying hard to find things I enjoy doing First, I love taking cardio kickboxing classes from Steven at Poulsbo Athletic Club. Second, I love walking home from work.  It is approximately 4.5 miles and I enjoy walking it.  I especially enjoy it when I have  walking partner.

I encourage everyone to get out there and discover what they enjoy doing when it comes to getting exercise.  It is important that we take the time.  It teaches our children how important it is to take care of  ourselves.  A lesson best taught through example.

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