We headed downtown to wonder the streets looking at all the kids in costumes, and some adults, and collect candy from the different stores. The girls had a great time with their grandma, papa, auntie, uncle and cousin and they didn't mind that we were there either. :)
Here are a few pictures from our trecks. The one mistake I made was letting Ellie wear her princess slippers with her white tights. They met their demise Friday night, never to recover from the blackness that they suffered. I should have taken Robb's warning and put her in tennis shoes. She didn't seem to mind though and just loved to be a princess.

Our little "Curly" (Leilah) dressed as a wonderful little witch. She did a great job and once she figured out the idea behind trick or treating was hard to keep up with.

We finally found a way for Ellie to wear her hat that was more comfortable but it caused a lot of giggles from her and Papa.

Our wonderful Rachel Ray - At first I wasn't sure how to do that costume, but we just ran with it and Olyvia was extremely happy with the outcome so that is all that mattered.

Our little princess. She looks so sweet and innocent in this picture but every time we turned around she was sneaking and eating the candy. It was an ongoing battle the entire evening.

The three girls got to pet this really sweet dog that was downtown trick or treating. We found that little Leilah loves dogs and was running up to every one she saw. This was a constant worry for her parents.

And finally a family shot. Robb and I with the girls - our little Rachel Ray and Princess.
These are really cute! Olyvia looks so different with brown hair! haha, it didnt even look like her!
I LOVE IT!!! Olyvia's costume is great! Who came up with the idea of Rachel Ray? She definitely can pull off the personality. :-D Ellie looks like she had a great time. Fun and excitement makes Halloween so much more enjoyable!
You have such a beautiful family!
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