Last night we're standing next to the sink and I notice a hole in the arm of his shirt. Keep in mind that the shirt he had on was not a one of a kind shirt he bought at a concert he went to one time and now has some sort of emotional connection with. No. It was a work shirt, one of seven others exactly like it. And when I say exactly I mean it. Same color, same style. The only difference being that this one had a hole in the arm.
I knew that the only way he would get rid of this shirt is if the shirt was beyond repair. So I stuck my finger in the little hole on his shirt and I pulled. I was thinking that would do it. Yay, no more shirt with a hole. I was wrong.
Instead of getting rid of the shirt he just started laughing, took it off and proceeded to remove the arms from the shirt making himself an even more attractive garment. He then put the shirt back on and proceeded to make one of the arms of his shirt into a hat.
Lovely, isn't it?
After we took some pictures of this beauty, he got even more creative and did this:
"Look hun," he said "a vest." Oh my goodness - really?
The girls thought this whole thing was great, helping as much as they could. However, when he was walking around the house sporting his new vest, Olyvia said it perfectly when she said "Dad, now you just look silly."
The scary thing is . . . I am sure that the vest is in his drawer.
1 comment:
Looks like he's learned a lot from all these years of preschool! Time to be innovative and imaginative with what you've got. :-D
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