Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Last night Olyvia and I got to do her very first homework assignment together. It was sooooo much fun but at the same time a little hard. I had to hold myself back and really let her do it all by herself.

She had four different things that she had to do as part of her homework. The first was to draw something that started with a B. She chose to draw a picture of a bear and wanted to use her Toddy bear as her example. She had me hold it up for her as if she was the painter and Toddy was the model. Starting with a circle for the head and then adding a pointy ear she realized she didn't like that ear and told me she needed to "rerase it." So she did and then made round ears instead. The arms came out of the sides of the head and the legs from where the neck should have been. There were three fingers on each hand and round circle feet. There was no body. It was beautiful.

From that task we moved on to the next one where she had to draw six of any one object. She chose to draw what she referred to as "tally marks." She said she learned about them in school. Her marks were very distinctive, making five long straight ones and one diagonal one across them all. Now this is one of the spots I wanted to step in and tell her that the diagonal one should only go across four of them, but I didn't want to interfere in her homework. I want her to be able to learn these things but don't want to seem too pushy. So I left it and didn't say anything. As it is, she "rerased" quite a bit during the homework assignment.

Moving on to task 3 she wrote the letters C, a, and B three times each. Now here is where I did step in. She would go so fast on some of them that she wasn't taking up the entire space. Again, a lot of "rerasing" and she was happy with the finished product.

Finally, she had to cirlce all the ds and Ds that she could find in a series of letters that were all laid out on the paper. It looked like a wordsearch, only there were no words to find. Instead just letters. She did very well and found them all on her own even with the tricky one that was right next to the b.

She was so excited that when we finished she wanted to do some more, so I pulled out some of her work that she had brought home from school unfinished and we worked on those. She finished a dot to dot of an elephant and we colored it together. We then had a piece of pie and went to bed.

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

So cute! I'm so glad she likes school. I remember I was really excited when I had homework. I felt grown up especially since Kell had homework too.

Tell her I'm proud of her!