Ellie was such a big girl. Her feet were going a mile a minute trying to keep up with her sister but her trike wasn't gaining very much distance. The smile on her face was priceless. Now Olyvia on the other hand was on her bike and she was doing great at keeping up with her Daddy. They were way up ahead and she showed no signs of slowing down. After our ride Robb and I realized we definitely would have gotten more exercise if we had walked, but that the girls had a great time and so did we.
That night I made a great spaghetti dinner (if I do say so myself) and my mother surprised me with a wonderfully delicious creme brulee cheesecake. It was a delicious blend of my two favorite desserts.
Saturday was spent just hanging out around the camp, although we did take a walk down to Lake Kokane to throw some rocks in and see how busy it was down there. The girls thought it was great and gradually, one piece at a time, were down to just their shirts playing in the water. Olyvia is starting to get shy though and although she took her pants off to play in the water, promptly demanded that I help her put them back on because there were strangers around and she didn't want them to see her panties.
Sunday was an awesome day. We got up and had breakfast then Robb, Ray and Justin took the boat down and put it in the water and tied it to the dock then headed back to camp. Andrew and fam got to the property just as the guys were getting back. We got everyone loaded up in the truck and headed to the dock.
We found a great place to set up for the day and, although we got rained on a few times, were able to stay pretty dry by staying under the canopy and close to the fire pit. Here are some pics from the weekend and Jen took.

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