Sunday, December 13, 2009

Julie & Julia

What a fabulous movie. Great story, fabulous food and some amazing acting by Meryl Streep as Julia Child. Julie & Julia really delivers. I heart warming look at a woman reaching 30 and searching for who she is. In her search she reaches out to do something. Not just something, but to make every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook. As we watch her take this challenge on we are taken back to Julia Child in the 50's when the cookbook is born.

For you guys out there, it isn't just a "chick flick." Robb and I both enjoyed the comedy intertwined in both the lives of Julie and Julia. Plus if you have ever known someone who sets a goal for themselves and is determined to see it through, then you will be able to relate to many parts in this movie.

It is a definite must see in my book.

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