Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Odd Couple

A few days ago a dear friend of mine sent me a link. One of those forwards that I will admit I usually look past. For some reason I didn't look past this one. Maybe I had an extra minute that afternoon or was intrigued by the subject line of her e-mail. Either way I decided to watch and was so glad that I did. Her e-mail was a video that was put together of Steve Hartman's visit to an elephant sanctuary in Tennesee. I encourage you to watch the short video. It is really amazing the love, trust and unabridged companionship that these two animals show to each other.

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Years ago a good friend of mine was thinking about whether or not the man she was with was the man she wanted to marry. She asked me how I knew that I wanted to marry Robb. It is hard to put into just one sentence. There is so much feeling and emotion involved and at the time I wasn't sure, I just knew. After watching this video I know now that all of these qualities that can be seen in these two animals are qualities that I felt I had with Robb. To this day I feel very blessed to have him as the partner that I share this life with; A life that can have its ups and downs.

This relationship filled with love and trust and happiness doesn't have the ability to ward off all bad things. People can still get hurt and hard times can still fall upon them. The fabulous thing is that you have someone to go through these things with.

At the end of the video Steve says about the couple that "they harbor no fears, no secrets, no prejudices. Just two living creatures who somehow manage to look past their immense differences." He then seems to challenge us to do the same in not just our primary relationships, but in all our relationships. What an amazing thing we can learn from two animals that are so different in every way. Lessons of friendship for sure, but also of hope and forgiveness. This speaks to me in a very precious way.

As a mother of two children I have recently been asking myself, "who do I want my chilren to be?" Knowing that in the end I only have so much control over this, I feel that it is my responsibility to be aware of what my intentions are as I raise them. Do I want them to be smart? Do I want them to be loving? Do I want them to be popular? Do I want them to be an athlete? All these questions have been rolling around in my head and the conclusion that I have come to, the underlying desire in my being for my children is for them to love others and to be forgiving no matter what. I want them to be the kids at school that get along and are welcoming to everyone. That aren't quick to judge but rather quick to open their arms. That is a hard thing to do and as a parent I am sure that I am going to have to teach them this quality more in how I behave and love and forgive then in telling them how to. I am excited for this challenge. I know that if those two animals can love and forgive and trust even with all their differences, then so can I. I encourage you to join me in making a difference.

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

That's a great video. Such a great lesson to learn and practice.