Tuesday, May 15, 2012

newest addition to our farm

19 years ago if you had told me I would one day have chickens I would have told you that you were completely out of your mind.  There was no way I was going to live in the country, let alone have farm animals. Proof that you never really know where your life will take you. 

We recently added to our brood of hens with 6 new little beauties; 3 Americanas and 3 Rhode Island Red/Rhode Island White.  We enjoyed them so much as cute little babies but they are already growing so fast and have been moved out of their heated area into their interim coop until they are big enough to move into the main coop with our other hens. Button (my parents' dog) has been with us a lot over the last month.  She thought they looked quite delicious and wants to be next to them every minute she is outside. 

O loves them HUGE, as she does every kind of animal there is.  (She even tries to rationalize with me how slugs are wonderful too as long as they aren't in the garden. We have agreed to disagree on that one.) 

They have outgrown all their baby feathers and are well on their way to being egg producing hens.  What will be our next addition to the Kopperskogen I often wonder. Robb votes for goats but I am still standing strong with a NO to that.  I guess we will see how that turns out. :)

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