An intriguing book about the friendships we establish as children and the impacts they can have on the rest of our lives. This story follows the life of Adelaide Downs and her friendship with Valerie Adler. It shows how their friendship blossomed through Jr. High and High School culminating in an exchange their senior year that forced a chasm in their relationship that wouldn't be addressed until 15 years later when Valerie returns to attend their High School reunion. As the two are forced back together after an accident the night of the reunion, they begin to see who each other really is and how the life of their good friend is not as wonderful as they had always thought it was.
This book is a reminder that when we analyze our friends we often only see what we want to see. We have a tendency to ignore the difficulties our friends have in order to see their life as so much better than ours. It is an amazing story, well written while not being pretentious or heavy.
*** I give this 3 stars not because it isn't worth reading but because it is written for a very specific audience. I encourage anyone out there who has had a best friend in their lives that they can go years without seeing and then fall into each other's footsteps the second they reconnect, to read this book. If you are looking for something light and easy to read for the summer, this would be a great choice. So grab your beach towel, sun screen and this book and head out for a weekend at the beach. You won't be disappointed.
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