I have always heard that running in the morning is supposed to be invigorating. I have decided that whoever thought that up lied. Yep, they lied. I do not make this statement without having tried it at least once. Since I started training for the half marathon, I have been running at night. It is wonderful after a busy day to unwind and have time just me and my tennis shoes. Friday we arrived late to our campsite and by the time we had dinner and the girls all tucked into bed it was 10pm and we decided that going running so late was probably not the best idea so I reluctantly agreed to go the next morning.
I was awaken from a fabulous sleep by my most wonderfully chipper mother so I pulled myself out of my warm bed, pulled on my running clothes, socks and tennis shoes, brushed my teeth to get rid of the morning breath and headed out the door. I later discovered I had put on my sports bra inside out and had two different socks. Two of the many reasons why running in the morning is not the best idea.
Now I am exhausted, have my clothes on inside out, two different socks on and away we headed. As we ran along the 3 mile route I began to realize that I was in the minority. It seemed that everyone else that was out was loving their run or walk in the brisk morning air. Everyone we came across was smiling and chipper and greeted us with cheerful tone. The whole time I just kept thinking that I could still be in bed.
I suppose the only good thing was that I got to go with my mom. That definitely made it all worth it. As much as I have realized ruined early in the morning is not my preference, I would do it again to go with my mom. Even if I ended up running in clothes that were inside out.