Last night I brought to a close the long number of months I have been working on reading this magnificent piece of literature. I have to admit that it took me a few months just to get to the point in reading it that I didn't want to put it down. This was probably largely because of the busy life of a mother but also because of the depth of the novel. This novel delves deep into each character, setting up the history of each so you can better understand their thought processes and the reasons for their actions.
I would definitely recommend this book. Because of the depth of the novel, I wouldn't recommend it to someone looking for a light read. This isn't the right choice for that. But to someone who wants to get into the life of a character, or someone who wants to learn about a time in history that is most definitely so very different from their own, this is the book for them.
**** I would recommend this book as a inspiring read. Read it if only to peak into what it would be like to truly have nothing and yet have everything at the same time.
I remember the first time I read that book. I remember weeping like a little baby its such a beautiful story and makes you realize how much one really has to be thankful for.
This is on my list of books to read over the summer... I am really looking forward to it after reading your post!
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