Today was quite a day. When I went to pick up Olyvia from horse lessons today I was informed that she didn't ride today because she was too upset over Jackson. Jackson is the horse she has been riding and who she loves very much. Today she witnessed Jackson being loaded into a trailer to go to the clinic because he is very sick with colic. She was totally distraught over the whole thing. She isn't totally clear on what the outcome will be and was insistent that she will need to call and check up on him. My heart was so sad for her.
From there I got home and we took Button to the bathroom. She of course proceeded to get into something that made her smell completely horrid. We gave her a bath. What a treat that was. If you have read previous posts of mine about what I feel my role in taking care of a dog is, you know that bathing them is definitely not on my list of duties. However, my lovely husband is out of town today and there was no way I was going to leave this task to my 6 and 4 year old so I dove in. Literally. By the time I was done it looked like my bathroom had at one point been filled completely with water and I smelled like wet dog shampoo. I decided not to change. Just went and doused myself in some VS perfume and called it good. Nothing quite like dog smell covered up by Victoria's Secret. Fabulous! I call it 'Scent of Mom.' If only that was marketable.
After we had her somewhat dried and pretty much on her bed, I then thought I wasn't having a fun enough day so I would take the girls to the grocery store. By this time it was just after nap time, although no naps had been had. In the car at the store I was very firm in stating that the girls would be getting nothing in the store. We were only purchasing those items on our list and that is all. My youngest was OK with this. My oldest however seemed to think it important to explain to me over and over and over and over that she was STARVING and NEEDED something. I stuck to my decision though much to her dismay and by the time we got back out to the car with the groceries she was practically whithering away to nothing and I had of course forgotten 5 different things that were on my list. ARGH! There was no way I was going back into that store with my two girls in tow and the dog in the car with the rest of the groceries. That would definitely not end well.
Now home from the store, more laundry to do, groceries to put away and really all I want to do is cuddle on my couch with my girls....maybe we can paint nails. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.
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