I have not yet decided if I really like the Halloween holiday. I suppose you could say the jury is still out. The costumes that are out there for purchase are overpriced and in most cases either cheesy or sleazy. Nothing I would want to wear and definitely nothing I want my girls to wear. Getting lucky this year, or so I thought, my oldest daughter found a costume of her auntie's from when her auntie used to dance. She was sold immediately. :) Then my youngest decided she wanted to be a gypsy. This seemed easy to me. I could grab some scarfs or scraps of material and sew them around the top of a skirt, add some jingly bracelets and necklaces, a head scarf and she would be the most fabulous little gypsy. So we discussed this and she looked at me with these big wide sad eyes and said "mom, that's not a gypsy." Huh? What do you mean that isn't a gypsy? Sounds like a gypsy to me. So we tried a few more suggestions and it was obvious that what I was thinking of as a gypsy and what was in her little head were two totally different things. So with that we headed to the costume store.
We ended up with what I believe is a perfect compromise. It isn't a gypsy, but our Ellie was the most precious and perfect Dorothy there ever could be. :)

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