Our trip to California was fabulous. We had a great time with family and friends. The girls experienced so many new things. It was wonderful to watch their faces explode into smiles every time we saw a character or princess and their parents' love of rides has definitely been passed on.
Here are a few pictures from our trip. . . To take a look at all the pictures you can check out my Facebook page where I will post all of them.
Here are the girls with their daddy at Sea World just about to feed the sea lions.
The dolphins - Ellie's favorite Sea World attraction.
Olyvia giving her impression of a dolphin.
The Killer whales.
Amazing creatures for sure.
Our beautiful girls watching the sea lion show.
Ellie as she waited patiently with her mommy while everyone else got to go on the Indiana Jones ride. She was actually pretty bummed although this picture doesn't show it. She was our ride guru for sure. Her favorite ride of all was the Tower of Terror. She went on it twice and wanted to go on again but we didn't want to wait in line.
Olyvia was quite the trooper on all the rides and liked everything except the Tower of Terror. She wasn't hugely impressed with Space Mountain but Tower of Terror definitely made her hate list. That said, she did go on it twice by choice.
It was great to be able to meet up with Justin and Jen for a few hours, hit some rides and have dinner. The girls had a great time with them also.
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