We were the first ones to arrive and the girls were not at all excited about the fact that it was practially freezing outside, the toys were all wet, and according to them "it's too cold." (Imagine that being said with a really big and pouty lower lip.) We wandered over to the play area, visiting with grandma and waiting for Auntie and Leilah to arrive, all the while the girls exclaiming that they just weren't going to survive the cold and need to go home or at least go get some hot chocolate.
We weren't there very long before Auntie and Leilah arrived. I could see them coming across the parking lot and mentioned it to the girls. No sooner did I mention it and they were running across the park towards the parking lot and towards their cousin.
I look forward to our next trip to the park.
1 comment:
AWESOME pictures...especially the boaters.
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