As a mom, I have many titles. One of these is laundry queen. In honor of my most recent laundry issue as previously posted, I thought I would ask a laundry question to all of you out there who have opened the washing machine and wondered what happened. The question for this month is, "What is your favorite laundry related story?" I look forward to hearing.
I guess your laundry story makes me happy that my husband hasn't touched the laundry I would say in about 2 years. He helped with the laundry a little bit before we had Shane. He would always ask the water temperature question, so at one point I wrote a little note "Cold for darks, etc." and taped it to the washing machine. He would still ask since he never remembered the note was even there. Men!!!
I don't think I have a favorite laundry story as they all bring back bad memories ;) But the most common "issue" is Paul will start a load of laundry without mentioning it to me.The laundry will sit in the washing machine just molding and stinking until I do laundry and find them. Then I must rewash on my santizing wash to try to remove the stench and then bleach my washer afterwards to kill the mildew. Fun stuff! I have banned him from the laundry room several times but somehow he just decides to "help out" anyways!
I won't even mention the cat. Love, Mom
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