Friday, October 24, 2008


I am pretty excited. One of the cameras on my top 3 list is at costco right now. The Nikon D90. It isn't my number one, but it is still pretty exciting because it is such a great deal . They don't have the flash and extra battery pack that I also want, but those could come with time. And even though it is not my number one doesn't mean that I can't still keep my number one option up there and get it eventually, right? Anway, just wanted to share. I am very excited about getting to start shooting more and more. I miss it actually. We will be out somewhere with the girls or just Robb and I and I will see a moment that I want to capture but don't have my camera yet. Soon . . . very soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I can just imagine the grin that came across your face when you realized they had it!! Hopefully you'll get a chance to start taking those pictures real soon! Until then, I'll make sure to have my camera on me at Preschool! :-D