Thursday, July 23, 2015

graduate school

For over a decade I have contemplated graduate school, always shying away from it because I wasn't sure what degree to focus on, why I would be doing it or how to justify the cost and time that it would require.  Coming upon a program through George Fox University I started to think maybe, just maybe I could hear God guiding me in a specific direction.  The more I researched the program, the more I realized that God has been calling me in a specific direction for decades; being raised on the Olympic Peninsula, years of gardening, my work with teenagers, years of scripture study and so much more. This last fall I decided that I should just take one step at a time, not looking too far into the future about how it would all work out. Rather, I would just take each step as I felt God was leading me.

Having decided that I would let God guide this process, I focused on doing my part at each step. The process had changed quite a bit since 1995 when I was applying to colleges for my BA degree. Filling out the online forms (last time I did this I used a typewriter) and gathering my transcripts (which I must admit were not stellar) began to build worry within me. How would I ever be accepted? What did I have to offer? Why was I doing this again? As I looked over the questions I was to build my essay upon, more and more doubt and fear crept into my subconscious.  I continued to move forward though. I continued to take the steps even though anxiety welled up within me and fear would try to take over. With only my essay left to turn in, I sat for many nights looking over, reading and rereading, analyzing and postponing.   Finally sending them off with a prayer that God would continue to guide me on this path I was on.

A phone interview completed, acceptance phone call, email and letter received, enrollment fee paid, digital orientation completed, and registration done. I am a graduate student. Holy Cow!

The process was not without stress or anxiety. I am not sure what about it caused me to feel all tied up in knots. Fear was not going to be in control of my life. God has blessed us with the amazing gift of this mortal life and I was not going to squander it and waste time in fear. I was going to grab hold of it, celebrate it and continue to learn and grow always. This is quite the adventure I am embarking upon and I am so excited for where it is taking me and not only what I am and will be learning but what my children will be learning through me as I grab hold of this opportunity and celebrate it.

Thank you to everyone who has believed in me and continues to encourage me in this. I am ready.


Timothy said...

Congratulations!! Out of curiosity, what will you be studying?

jessica said...

Hi Timothy! The program is a MA in Ministry Leadership with a specialization in Ecotheology. I am super excited about it. My long term goal is to establish a two week summer program for high school kids that encourages their passion of earth keeping. I am going to keep up more on my blog as I go through the MAML and fine tune what the summer program will look like.

Timothy said...

Hi Jessica! That's awesome! I have a few other friends who have done graduate work in theology/ministry at George Fox. I love hearing about your goal, it seems like such a great fit for your passion areas, and I look forward to reading more about it on your blog. Also, if the program isn't all entirely on-line and you end up driving down to the Portland area at all for school, Allison and I would love to see you (which should be much easier once we're in Vancouver) starting in September.

jessica said...

Yes, I will be going down a couple times a year to Portland and will keep in mind that you will be in Vancouver so we can connect.

Timothy said...

Wonderful- I'm looking forward to it. Until then, I hope you have a great rest of the summer, and congrats again on starting your grad program.