Sunday, January 30, 2011

two days is not enough

I want to know who's idea it was for the 5/2 split to a seven day week. Was any rational thought put into it? I realize a mother's work is never done but it is ludicrous to think that two days is enough to catch up on housework, go through your kids rooms to see what they have stashed in there throughout the week, do all the grocery shopping and meal prep for the upcoming week, wash and fold all the laundry, balance accounts and pay bills, help with the outdoor chores including stocking wood sheds, gardening, cleaning animal pens and the list goes on. This isn't even taking into account any time spent relaxing, rejuvenating, and getting refreshed for a new week.

This weekend definitely started off on a high note for me. I was naively optimistic on what could be accomplished and in all reality I should have known better. Saturday morning I woke up to two bouncing girls in fabulous spirits and decided to take advantage of that attitude and head outside to get some wood stacked while Robb was working. With an eager tone to my voice I told the girls we were going to have a great day, to get dressed and grab their coats and shoes because we were heading outside to surprise daddy by stacking some of the wood he had split the previous weekend. Out we headed. My youngest was quite excited for what she exclaimed was a helping adventure. My oldest started being excited but had not heeded my previous suggestions to bring a coat and therefore within minutes of being outside was "freezing" and demanding that she be allowed to go inside. I calmly informed her that was "not" going to happen and away I went stacking wood. All our neighbors know how she took that. As if the demands weren't enough, she insisted on screaming them at the top of her lungs in a dramatic exercise of her willpower. Again, ever so calmly, I explained to her that we were staying outside and I was bummed that she wasn't having any fun with us.

Obviously having missed the signs, after lunch the girls and I embarked upon the Bermuda Triangle of grocery stores (Costco, Wal-mart, Central Market). It was now my Ellie's turn to kick it into full gear and proceeded to see how patient I could be. Between waiting until we were at the back of Costco on a busy Saturday to exclaim that she "had to go potty right now" to the repetitive complaining that she didn't want to be in the cart nor did she want to walk while we were trying to make our way through Wal-mart. Three and a half hours later we finally pulled into our driveway. Now to unload all the groceries, get them put away, make casseroles for the freezer for the week and get dinner on. Oh, and I need to switch the laundry.

The weekend has come to a close and almost all the laundry is washed although not all of it is folded, there are bills that need paid, checking accounts to balance, tax documents to pull together and I would still love to steal away some time to read. This brings me all back to my original thought, who's idea was it for a 5/2 split to the seven day week?


Kerri said...

Two days is not enough for me either, and I stay home the other five!!! Oh and the neighbors didn't hear anything as they were surrounded by their own little darlings making the same noises =}

jessica said...

Glad to hear her complaints were not heard but sorry to hear you had some of your own to listen to.