Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Leavenworth Half Marathon

Yes, a half marathon this coming October. Watch out Leavenworth, here I come.

I have to talk big, because otherwise I fear this race will eat me alive. If I put my psychological game face on and attack this head on I know I can conquer it. I have started running and next week am meeting with a trainer to get on a weight lifting regiment to get my body ready for this. I have aways to go but I am ready for the work and excited about it also. I will be sure to keep you all up to date on training progress. Right now I have a ways to go but I was able to go out and run about 2 1/2 miles with hills last night. Given that I haven't worked out at all in the last two months, I am optimistic. Tomorrow heading out again and I am actually excited. Gives me time to think, contemplate and be with myself, nature and God. If any of you out there reading this have run a half marathon or marathon, please comment with your tips and suggestions for training. I love to hear all points of view and any tips you have.

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