Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May's Question of the Month.

I can't believe it is May already, especially with our upcoming Disneyland trip just around the corner. Wow, time is just flying by and there really isn't anything I can do to stop it or even slow it down. I just have to enjoy it as much as I can each and every day.

Another month means another question. Seeing as we will be going on our first official family vacation just the four of us, I thought I would focus this month's question around family vacations.

What is your favorite family vacation story either from when you were a child or from a vacation with your own children? I look forward to hearing the stories and if you have any vacation advice for traveling with children I can always use more.

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

My favorite is the trip to Disneyworld and Tennessee in Summer of 2000. So many great memories!