Thursday, March 29, 2012

an afternoon walk

When it comes to exercise on a regular basis, my schedule looks a lot like a roller coaster ride.  I go through periods of time when I am good at making the time followed by periods of time when I have no desire to make the time.  Winter is the hardest for sure.  Wet and cold weather, dark early, I just want to come home read a book and cuddle by a nice and toasty wood fire. 

I should probably give a little bit of background.  I love the outdoors.  I love water skiing, snow skiing, hiking, going on walks, heck I have even completed a half marathon when I set my mind to it.  I have always enjoyed getting exercise more so when it is masked by some kind of activity.  I am not the type of person to look forward to going out and jumping on the elyptical and going to town.  In fact, I am easily persuaded to do something else.

So, over the years I have had to find a way to solve this problem. Regular exercise is super important.  I have been trying hard to find things I enjoy doing First, I love taking cardio kickboxing classes from Steven at Poulsbo Athletic Club. Second, I love walking home from work.  It is approximately 4.5 miles and I enjoy walking it.  I especially enjoy it when I have  walking partner.

I encourage everyone to get out there and discover what they enjoy doing when it comes to getting exercise.  It is important that we take the time.  It teaches our children how important it is to take care of  ourselves.  A lesson best taught through example.

a day at the estuary

Living near family is so wonderful when you have children. My husband and I both work full time and are unable to volunteer in our girls' classrooms on a regular basis.  Instead, we try to attend all the field trips that we can. When we can't, our girls have their "peoples" (as my oldest calls them) that they can turn to. 

Over the last few months my oldest has been raising chum salmon with the rest of her grade level in preparation for a trip to an estuary in Poulsbo where they planned to release the salmon. As soon as Olyvia found out about the field trip she wanted to take her daddy. Due to multiple constraints he wasn't able to make it work.  Instead of letting this drag her down, Olyvia went to find her Papa.  She knew he was the next best thing to having her daddy there.  With a smile on her face, a few eyelash blinks and a huge hug she asked her Papa if he would come on her field trip.  How could he say no?

It was so heartwarming to watch the two of them head down with her class.  Once down to the estuary, the class gathered for some discussion about salmon before heading to the creek to release them.  It was a proud moment to see her really in her element.  She loves learning about nature and this was no different. 

She did an amazing job following directions and releasing her little fry out into the stream and her Papa was so proud watching her.  What an amazing blessing to me as a mom to have extended family around that can be there for her at these times that are so important to her.

Monday, March 19, 2012

out with 'cloudsplitters' and in with 'the shipping news'

I pride myself with the fact that I always, and I mean always, finish a book once I have started it.  It may take me 6 months to a year in some cases, but I finish it.  Even if I don't necessary enjoy the novel, I will finish it.  I hate leaving novels unfinished.   Have you every started a novel that you didn't finish?  If so, which one?

Almost a year ago I purchased a book called Cloudsplitter and was very excited about the prospect of reading it.  An historical fiction novel written from the perspective of the son of abolitionist John Brown.  So in January when I flew to Las Vegas with my mom and sister I took the flight as an opportunity to break into my new book.  Off to a good start I was excited to continue. Now, after 150 pages I can't decide if I like it or not, but have decided for sure that I need to stop.  I need to set it back on the shelf and go onto something else for awhile and maybe in a year or more I will be at a point to go back and try again. 

I have been trying to decide what it was about the book that I just couldn't get through and I conclude it was my inability to sit down for long periods of time to read.  Working full time and busy in the evening with kiddos, husband, laundry (always laundry), I often only have 10-15 minutes to read at a time.  This is not enough time for this book.  This is the kind of book you need a couple hours at a time to really escape into the novel. I felt like every time I sat down to read I had to reread what I read the last time I sat down.  I found I wasn't moving forward in the novel.

The book is back onto my shelf and I am starting on another.  I perused the selection on my bookshelf and have decided to read The Shipping News by E. Annie Proulx, a Pulitzer prize winning novel originally published in 1993. 

Be watching for a review.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

adventures in the rain

There really isn't anything like an adventure with my family.  This last weekend was my dad's birthday and he had requested dinner out with the entire family at The Melting Pot in Seattle. Since we didn't have to meet up with everyone until 5, Robb and I decided that even though the weather said RAIN RAIN RAIN, we wanted to take the girls over to Seattle early and spend the afternoon exploring Pike's Place Market and shopping at Pacific Place. It turned out to be a wonderful adventures. The girls' favorite part was when we took them down to see the gum wall. It is so hard to believe the amount of gum that is on that wall until you see it.  I highly recommend to everyone that if you haven't experienced the gum wall, the next time you are at Pike's Place definitely go on down the alley and take a look.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

love working with amazing artists

I remember when I was younger and my parents were building their business, they always expressed to me some of the best advice they ever got was to hire professionals to assist and not try to do everything themselves.  This would allow them to devote more time to what they were skilled at and their business would grow.  I have always followed this advice when it comes to our taxes, legal issues, hair dressers, swim instructors for the girls, etc.

I finally came to my senses and decided to bring this philosophy into my business and I hired an amazing designer to help me establish a brand for my business and get that brand out onto business cards and my website/blog.  I am sooooo glad I did.  Becca with RSJ Creative is an amazing artist and I couldn't have hoped for a better person and designer to work with.  She has helped me put my passion into my brand and is working with me to get it out there for everyone to see.  I am so excited to share this little glimpse into this process and I can't wait for all the updates to my website and blog to be up for you all to see. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

balance - i have decided it doesn't exist

I am pretty sure that I have never tried as hard to achieve balance than I do as a working mom. Trying to devote the appropriate amount of time to each aspect of my life while also trying not to forget to devote time to take care of myself. My greatest joy in life is being with my girls. Every moment with them is a new experience and I hate to miss even a second of it. I find myself struggling with each decision I make; asking myself if it is the right decision. Should I work as much as I do? Should I go to the gym? Should I go for coffee with my friend? . . . . or should I be with my girls.

So . . . this is what I have decided. Balance is not possible. It does not exist. There isn't any way to do it. The key is to accept that. I remember reading Goldie Hawn's book 'A Lotus Grows in the Mud' and she discusses this very topic. She says something to the effect that balance is something we swing through on our way to the other extreme. As a mother that is so much more comforting than anything else I have read . As a mother, I have to be happy that I am doing the best I can. I love my children and care for them with my whole heart. I work hard and do my job well. I struggle but I am constantly striving to take better care of myself. All along the way I am going to continue to rely on God during each and every step of the way.

What are things that have been helpful to you as a working mom? Have you read something or heard something that has been influential? If so, please share it here. I would love to hear.