Here it is already almost the end of February and I am realizing how the time is just slipping away. The holiday season has come and gone and it was all in the blink of an eye.
For Halloween this year, in an effort to teach our children about using what they have and because I read an article about the amount of space Halloween costumes take up in landfills, we told our girls they had to come up with costumes out of items they had in their room already. I think they did an amazing job. Our oldest found a red cape, paired it with a dress her auntie made (Gayle Blais Designs) and a basket from her Grammy and . . . . bam we have Red Ridding Hood. Our youngest found a ballet costume of her older sister, paired it with a pretty pink sweater, had me do her hair in a bun and accessorized with a wand and some flashy gold sandals she found in her room . . . . bam a fairy princess. Awesome job O & E!

November and December brought with it lots of yummy times. We even scheduled out a day for baking with Grammy. It was a hectic day, but the girls did great and other than the continuous mess, we had a lot of delicious treats to show for our day. E chose to make snowball cookies and I was all for it until I realized that each batch into the oven took 40 minutes to bake. Made for a long day.

As my girls get older and I get to experience their creativity and joy for life more and more, it makes me strive to be a better person in all other aspects of my life. They really are a joy and I am so proud to be their mommy.